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Zhongshan Qiaoguang Lighting Technology Co., Ltd
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Contact number:18676440360
Company number:0760-22825011
Factory address:47 Guangfeng South Road, Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province
Industry Focus

Japanese locals gather LED lights to create a realistic vers

date: 2020-03-28 10:45 click: time

According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on January 20, the American racing theme series "Speed and Passion" showed people the passion of various famous sports cars racing on the highway. Recently, the younger Japanese sports car family has played a more dazzling move. They decorated the Lamborghini sports car with LED lights and staged a realistic "Speed and Passion" on the streets of Tokyo at night, as eye-catching as a flowing feast of fireworks.
 New Jersey filmmaker Steve Feldman recently witnessed this spectacle in Japan. According to Feldman, unlike ordinary Japanese, this group of young people is as public as their luxury cars. They not only installed luxury cars with cool LED lights, they even installed more powerful engines. , Rear-view lights, etc., in pursuit of visual effects that make passers-by startled.